
Top ten cities of Chinese bears (english)

Used to describe a man bear the name suggests is a sturdy man like bears, plus handsome masculine appearance, mature manner, in the G ring there is another word to describe them - U Bear. So where is our Chinese U bears congregate city?We now come to take stock of what:
TOP: 1
Dalian, Dalian is a coastal city, is the Northeast's most cutting-edge, most developed city, attracted a lot of people come here, the city's U Bear occurrence rate is very high, mostly 3 to 4 years married, middle-aged fat type U bears and young bears. Gu good man type. (This is true, not a puff ...)
TOP: 2
Harbin, Northeast's rugged, reflected most vividly in Harbin, U bear more and more death. Siberian tiger, overbearing type.
TOP: 3
Qingdao, is the so-called hero becomes a prisoner, beauty obsessed Shandong Han, Qingdao, Shandong man can be regarded as representative of the U re-loyalty can be described as a lot of bears in Qingdao. Is crude and refined type of loyalty.
TOP: 4
Tangshan, Tangshan everyone the impression that only the big earthquake?Tangshan, Hebei cities, economy stronger than the provincial capital Shijiazhuang.There is an old saying: "tiger, Tangshan wolf." Tangshan people are good team, walk the streets you will find in Tangshan, where U really bears more concentrated in the age of about 25 to 40. There are many descendants from the northeast and Shandong.
TOP: 5
Beijing, foreign population, mostly from the country of all varieties, U bear much is inevitable. With similar situations in Shanghai, while Shanghai bears born and raised few, but large foreign population made up this big city deficiencies.
TOP: 6
Shenyang, northeast central cities, the characteristics of an integrated Northeast, tall and mighty, you look closely you will find a lot of stall hawkers are very U.
TOP: 7
Changchun, one of the three northeastern provinces, Heilongjiang big brother above, the following is Liaoning brother. Northern summer, there will be many raging do not wear T-shirt, in a small restaurant for dinner, there are a lot of clothes shopping on a ride in the shoulder, although not very civilized, but really seductive.
TOP: 8
Hohhot, Inner Mongolia has a lot of bears, but bears are mostly straight, brawny grassland, although Bangdayaoyuan, but can only appreciate the distance, it is depressing. Have the ability to bend them breaking off, but be careful over the shoulder throw Oh!
TOP: 9
Chengdu (Chongqing), if that where the bears love to play, favorite friends (not BF), it should be right in Chengdu, Chengdu, but although many bears, but where the hell it is 0, 1 paradise. In other words, Chengdu which 0 bears and more bears, cc's more, but not an ordinary ... more ...
TOP: 10
Guangzhou, where some famous bears little, mostly north Xiongxiong Nan, came here the development. Look at the annual "Ten U" to know friends.South's raging, after all, is still relatively small, baboons and monkeys to find many, this may be related to eating habits of the bar. South more rice, the North eat pasta.Also with the climate, the south a relatively high temperature, moist, not too much fat to maintain body temperature. The cold northern winter, heating the room to be open, need more fat to maintain body temperature. Welcome to personally go over the various cities in search, find, catch their favorite Bear to take home! First stop: Dalian!

中国十大U熊产地 (Chinese)




广州当地很少出现一些有名的熊,大多都是北方的熊熊南下,来到这边发展。看看每年的“十U”就知道啦。南方的熊熊毕竟还是比较少,狒狒和猴子就蛮多的,这很可能与饮食习惯有关吧。南方多出米饭,北方多吃面食。也与气候有关,南方气温比较高,湿润,不需要太多的脂肪来保持体温。而北方冬天很冷,在屋子里都要开暖气,需要比较多的脂肪来保持体温。 欢迎大家亲自去以上各个城市寻找、发现,捕到自己中意的熊熊带回家!第一站:大连!



1.下列有错别字的一项是( )

A.小公 B.小受 C.爱滋病 D.安全套

2.有8个GAY一起开了五个房间,其中5个是1,3个是0,规定两个1,两个0不能单独共住一个房间,每个房间至少住1人,最多住2人,则有( )种住法。

A.50 B.10 C.200 D.300

3.在港( )地区处ML最安全。

A.山峰 B.山谷 C.山脊 D.盆地

4.下列人物不是GAY的是( )

A.柏拉图 B.苏格拉底 C.汉哀帝 D.乾隆

5.从心理学角度看,69式来源于() 经受挫折。

A.口欲期 B.肛欲期 C.性蕾期 D.青春期

6.GAY中有1也有0,1里有母1,也有公1,0里有母0,也有公0,这说明( )

A.矛盾具有特殊性 B.矛盾是普遍存在的

C.物质决定意识 D.事物的发展具有曲折性

7.GAY的形成有多种因素,有的说是先天遗传的,有的说和后天的环境有关,这些观点中( ) A.第一种是正确的,因为内因在事物发展过程中起决定性作用。




8.下列现象属于自然环境对人类活动影响的是( )






















To be a gay or not to be a gay

- 答案晚上公布 -

China bear "Love is in our hearts" MV "爱因为在心中" 熊熊部落



[Thunder]中年乱れ打ち(cum inside)




Bear and monkey - 熊和猴子- Баавгай ба сармагчин [46 photos]

1,5 million views - 1,5 сая хандалт - 150万

Of course mongolia is #1 on  pageviews. 585.172 views in 6 months. thank you!  I never expected this blog would this famous in Mongolia . 


Cold Star - Sexual interest - Сексийн сонирхол

A boy experiences new desires while watching a man at an indoor swimming pool. Forced up the diving platform by a rowdy gang, he receives unexpected help.

Cold Star is a mixture of short and music video. A hybrid, that connects the emotions of a short with beats and lyrics of music. The film is an appeal for acceptance of your own and others sexual identity.

Клипний эхний хэсгийг нь үзээд "юу вэ? ямар заваан юм бэ?" гэж бодогдов. Ингэж бодсон бодлоосоо өөрөөсөө ч санаа зовох шиг. Нэг трансжендер ч юмуу нэг хөгшин өвгөн усан сангийн хаашуугаар өнгөрөхөд залуу царайлаг хөвгүүнд маш их таалагдаж татагддаг. Бүгд л тэр өвгөнийг ямар заваан юм бэ? гэсэн харцаар хардаг. Тэгэхэд тэр өвгөн , залуу хөвгүүнтэй хамт усан сан дотор үнсэлцэж эхэлдэг. Бүгд араас нь орж бие биенийхээ таалагдаж байгаа хүмүүстэй үнсэлцэнэ.
Гол утга санаа нь гэвэл " сайхан , муухай гэж байдаггүй , хүн л түүнийг бий болгодог" . Бусдын нүдэнд заваан, муухай харагдсан зүйл бусад хүний нүдэнд маш гоо үзэсгэлэнтэй харагдаж болдог гэсэн санаатай.Чамд заваан санагдлаа гээд бусад хүмүүсийн хайр дурлал, сонирхлыг үгүйсгэж болохгүй мэт.


LIGHTNINGBEAR - Original clothing brand - Big style for big bears [15 photos]

Chinese clothing brand for big bears !
buy and purchase : the official home page : http://lnbr.taobao.com/

Top 10 Bear of China 2011 - Announced! - The poll is closed [10 photos]

the poll results :http://www.cnbear.net/thread-179571-1-1.html
2010's top 10 bear of china : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvQHVEe9XG8
2011s top 10 bear of china and personal infromation : http://www.cnbear.net/thread-181102-1-1.html

Nickname / Xinjiang Bear
Other nicknames / Bear wander waiting for love
Age / 26
Height / 174
Weight / 95
Recommended group No. / 104 787 975
From City / Shenzhen
Like type / Bear ,fat baboons
Entry Declaration / emphasis Bear made ​​many friends in
Contact QQ / 495129
Contact MAIL / long_85@126.com
Individual micro-Bo / http://weibo.com/2039927183
Hobby / singing , games