
Kuma senshi no Bokki [manga] english

Interview with Warren: Сингапур, манай ээж найз залууг маань халамжилдаг

picture by: Warren
1. What do people call u by?
Ans: Warren
2. This is considered to be a sensitive question but How old are you?
Ans: 36 coming 37 years old but I look about 45 maybe ha ha.
3. What do u classify urself to be?

Ans: I don’t know about this. Bears are really rare in Asia. I don’t think I qualify to be one of them.
4. How does it feel like, being a gay bear in Singapore?

source: bear-asia.net

Rilakkuma リラックマ- 14 Pc wallpapers

Rilakkuma is a Japanese bear character . it s very popular in Asia. Rilakkuma means "relax bear" . Here are 14 cute wallpapers of Rilakkuma. I hope you like it . Click to enlarge and download .
Rilakkuma нь амарч буй баавгай гэсэн утгатай япон үг. Hello kitty эд нар шиг алдартай болсон баавгайн дүр бренд юм. Зурган дээр дарж томруулж аваарай

The Battlefield's Muscle Urinal [manga] english

G-project - G-men (No.168) - Japan gay magazine

G-project – G-men 177 - Japan gay magazine

Genma – RISE – Crazy Male 雄狂

Samson – Bear male mating

Bronco – Goro master Retsu Tsutae gallantry

Danji – Cortex tend to whip Tati

Bronco – BullVideo – Deburi 2

Samson – Strong Hitter

Bravo – Daku soup Don Gachipo 汁だく!ガチポ丼


Fox & Bears [manga] English

自由發揮 - 阿達 super 可爱!Cute ! Тайваний "OneTwoFree" хамтлагийн дуучин 阿達 Ада

阿達(1987年5月23日-),本名昌璟翔,台灣高雄人,新莊高中畢業,目前為實踐大學財金系大4在學。與李伯恩搭擋組成「自由發揮」, 在部落格發表創作及搞笑短片。
Тайваний "OneTwoFree" хамтлагийн дуучин 阿達 Ада 1987 онд төрсөн одоо 24 настай. Яг миний сонирхдог type. Өхөөрдөм, царайлаг, сахалтай, хөгжилтэй. Их инээдтэй хип хоп , реп хийдэг. Клипүүд нь их хөгжилтэй, инээдтэй. Үзээрэй. 哈哈! im a big fan of him

Go fujimoto - Crime and Punishment [manga] English

G-MEN – BUTCH ASS HOLE - Keiji x Takeshi + watch online

G-Men 2010-1 no.166

GPROJECT – G-Men 2009-10 (G-men 163)

Samson - 淫乱テディベア

Bullvideo めがねデーブ


Samson - 前立腺兄貴

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Samson – Libido Foreman

Bronco – Korokoro Body

Beard Project – Complete macho about ripe


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Vfactory - こちら激堀署 5 ガッチビタツヤの変態留置所 番外編

Tyson - エロス 1

Samson - 熊は汁まみれ

Vfactory - 汁男あなによし + watch online


G-Bless vol.10 [comic manga book] 日本語

Music time : 東方神起 - Superstar & MBLAQ - Mona Lisa

Love K-pop >3 (≧ε≦) XD

Interview with Jiraiya

,We were recently lucky enough to interview Jiraiya, a popular and well known artist from Japan who exhibited at our Boys Life exhibition for the Sydney Mardis Gras.
Using Illustrator, QuarkXPress and Photoshop, Jiraiya’s illustrations are realistic and delicate descriptions of Japanese men. His works have been published in both books and magazines in Japan and France, including G-Man.
We hope you enjoy the interview!
Can you tell me what lead to your becoming illustrator/cartoonist for gay?
My main business is commercial design and illustration. For commercial illustration, I had very few chances to draw my favourite type of guy who is big and well-muscled, which was getting to me. At that time, I knew about a gateway to success for illustrators for gay, “Otokoe-juku”, organized by Mr. Gengoro Tagame in a gay magazine “G-men”. I posted my illustration to give it shot, and it was adopted. Since then, I’ve obtained job of illustration for gay.
I wanted to be a cartoonist in my 20’s and I was given
some chances to put my cartoon on general comics.

Interview with BK

What is your name?
Steven Yap a.k.a BK
What does BK stands for?
Haha my Malay name…Ban Koon
Oh icic.. i thought it was a name of the famous burger outlet.
So are u single or attached?
Hmmm…currently attached…
I see. So how long have u been together ?
we’re still fresh… so far 4 months…
Okay. So what is ur fantasy bear? Describe him.
Haha he gotta be tall, has a big chest, muscular arm, and a cute tummy to go wit him. Slighty body hair n with goatee is a plus!! Drooools~
 source: bear-asia.net


Interview with Gurume

Okay. First question.What is your name? and where are you from?
I’m from South Korea and my name is Gurume. It means Gourmet.
Oh! Food person i see.. Well i guess all bears love food. 

Alright. You look young. So are you still schooling or working right now?
I’m studying English now, in Melbourne.
and when I finish the course, I’ll head back to Korea to graduate.
Still have some courses left in Korea.
Oh thats cool. Taking english, so i guess you will be a teacher in the future?

Oh, actually I want to be one. But I think I need to take up more courses,
like learning Japanese.
Cos I’m keen in learning languages.
source: bear-asia.net